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Rudny Industrial Institute,
Rudny, Kazakhstan
About author

UDC 681.51.01

The goal and essence of methodical work is simplification of presentation of complicated questions. It saves to a society a time expended on mastering of knowledge by its members, faster injects them on a first line scientific and practical activities, allowing effectively join in successful creative work.

3. Methodical support of ACTh (automatic control theory) etc.

        I work in high school of small, cosy provincial town. When I go along the street, towards pretty girls always come across to me. Nine of ten, coming nearer to me, greet, more often is unexpected for me. As I teach an ACTh (automatic control theory) and engineering I do from here a conclusion, that these subjects include as mandatory in a necessary arsenal of knowledge of pretty girls! It abruptly, cool and modernly! It is interesting, where they apply them?

References to pages with short description of methodical manuals at courses of an ACTh (automatic control theory) and engineering which the author has prepared are more low given and uses in the work in Rudny industrial institute. Manuals are original and executed in as much as possible accessible form taking into account a contingent of trained students.

Students of distant tutoring, can perform course and monitoring works, not looking in institute, but only having inquired and having gained on e-mail number of own version. The distance defence of cours works, on-line, is not eliminated also. Experience of realisation of correspondence defence of course works in a city for the author already is available.

Manuals can be useful to students of other high schools, including students of correspondence course, in the capacity of an additional material to learning of a course of an ACTh (automatic control theory), and professors - from the methodical point of view.

In descriptions addresses are resulted, whence it is possible to load the full versions of manuals.

In process of translation of works references to the English version here will be added.

Links and abstracts

3. Contents ELC (educational laboratory complex) of ACTh (automatic control theory)

Automatic control theory (ACTh)
The educational-laboratory complex (ELC) at the rate of the automatic control theory

Exemple of the animation executed in VisSim.
Liquid level varies in correspondence with the differential equations presenting a control system

Exemple of the animation executed in VisSim

         The educational-laboratory complex at the rate of automatic control theory (ULC ACTh), builted on modern principles of organization and realisation of educational process, consists of the textbook containing initial concepts and methodical instructionses to execution of a laboratory course into which theory presentation is injected also.
         The content of a course according to the author shown correspond the modern requests to engineers and bachelors in the field of automation of controls systems by tecnological processes.

Presentation of the theory and tasks to laboratory works are oriented on ordinary students and students of correspondence courses, therefore are executed explicitly and in details. Materials of the educational-laboratory complex are composed in electronic books of a format chm, supplied in a reasonable measure by animation, and in applications bars of laboratory benches and files of a Mathcad for compuation of result of observed data are given. It allows the student to have on the house computer valuable virtual laboratory for conducting of researches on the main sections of a course of ACTh (automatic control theory) and learning of its.

In this book there are methodical instructionses, manuals and other materials, are brought only their contents and references to downloading (loading from the Internet) files of electronic books are given. The contents of all methodical instructionses offered more low and course manuals will simplify searching of a material and will allow the reader to present a course content in a total storage.

The author expresses gratitude to the principal of Visual Solution corporation Pete Darnell, for allocation of the licence to use of program Vissim FAP 3.0 in educational process; to dr., senior lecturer MSTU name of Bauman Oleg Stepanovich Kozlov for enabling to use in educational process by computer program "MBTY" , to developers of program MVS dr., professor Senichenkov Jury Borisovich and dr., professor Kolesov Jury Borisovich for allocation of software licence MVS, and also to dr., senior lecturer of the South Ural technical university Nikolay Vasilevich Klinachyov, for the help in html-code optimisation.

Download archive (rus) Manual file (rus): 6.02 МБ, 01.30.2009


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3.1. Working manual

3.2. Laboratory works

Methodical instructionses to laboratory works induct students into a practical course of the theory of automatic control with simultaneous step-by-step and dosed mastering of programs of simulation.

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3.3. Course work

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3.4. Monitoring work for students of correspondence courses

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3.5. Manuals on course and degree projection

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3.6. Manuals on self-maintained work of the student (SMWS)and
self-maintained work of the student with the tutor (SMWST)

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4. Physical properties
of systems and objects
and their identification


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