Boris T. Fedosov
Boris Trofimovich Fedosov was born in 1950, in Kaliningrad city, Kaliningrad region, Russia.
In 1954 has arrived to the Kustanay region (Kazakhstan) with the parents on a virgin soil.
Has finished a rate training in 10 classes physmathscool (PhMS) in Novosibirsk Academtown in 1967.
Has finished Novosibirsk electrotechnical institute (NETI) in 1973, radio-engineer.
After 1973 works in Rudny town (Kazakhstan) in Rudny Industrial Institute (RII): senior laborant of faculty electrification and automation of mountain works.
1974 - 1985 - assistant, senior lecturer, docent of faculty highest geodesy RII.
1982 - 1985 - manager of faculty highest geodesy RII.
1980 - has defended a candidate thesis in the Moscow institute of the engineers of a geodesy, air photography and cartography (MIIGAaC). A subject of a thesis: "Development and research optical (laser) range meter with active response".
1981 - 1991 - Boris T. Fedosov is chairman of Rudny branch of All-Union Astronomy - Geodetic Society at Academy of Sciences of USSR.
1985 - 1990 - manager faculty of electrical engineering RII, docent.
1991 - docent (senior lecturer) of faculty of automation of technological processes and production (ATPP).
Proceedings and inventions more than 45. The basic activities in areas: distance meter engineering, optical very long base interferometry (VLBI), methodical work. Internet publications.
Read rates of lectures: radiogeodesies; automation of precision geodetic measurements; electrical engineering; the theories of automatic control; the telemechanics; programming and computer facilities etc.
111500 Kazakhstan,
Kostanay reg., Rudny town,
50 Let Oktiabria, 38
Rudny Industrial Institute
Faculty of automation and control (A and C)
tel. (8-71431) 5-04-01 (add.131)
or 5-02-80 (add.131)
Is updated 25.01.2011